Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Recover from Job Rejection?

.) Avoid Negativity:

A job rejection will plunge us in self-doubt. It will question our self-esteem and sure, we may end up feeling bad with negative opinions of ourselves.
Answering everyone’s query about the interview result and handling their feedback is quite tiring. It is very very essential to avoid negativity.
Try to remind yourself that negativity breeds negativity. This you will reflect in your attitude or body language in your next interview.
You may be unintentionally spoiling your chances in the next interview. So, pat yourself, read some motivating books and get ready for the game again.

2). Don’t take it personally:

There is cut-throat competition in today’s employment scenario. Accept the fact and you will feel much better.
Never take a job rejection on a personal basis. It is not a review of you as a human being or on your capabilities.
It is an assessment of whether you will be suitable for that particular job role.
The HR Manager does not have any hatred against you. He did not Reject you for the job just like that! (Though very rare, it happens).
The reason is that he may have felt that some other candidate with a better qualification or experience will be more suitable.
Ensure you do not have any negative feelings and keep the communication channel open.
Thus having a good rapport will make you a potential candidate for the next vacancy.
The fact that you did not succeed in the interview does not mean the end of the world.

3). Focus on your Strengths:

To reassure yourself, prepare a list of your special skills. Improve on them with focus and determination.
This will boost your self-confidence and will prevent you from succumbing to depression and negativity. Every one of us has some special talent and ability.
Focus on yours and polish it. Make it the highlight of your resume. It may be excellent verbal communication skills, language skills, coordinating with clients, etc.
Have a detailed write-up in your resume on how your strength benefited your company with real examples.
Keep practicing your skills to stay updated. Always be ready.

4). Stay Positive:

It is extremely difficult to maintain a good spirit after you are Rejected for a job. But we also know that a positive mindset is highly essential for success.
As the saying goes “Failure is the key to Success”. So, we should learn from our failures and not allow them to spoil our mental well being.
Keep yourself positive and in good company. If you feel depressed, you can uplift your mood by listening to motivational talks or by reading self-help books.
Relax by indulging in your favorite pastimes – like listening to music, going for a short walk, talking to friends, etc.

5.) Use the opportunity:

Handling a situation after you are Rejected for a job is very tough, Yes, we sure do understand and agree with this!
But, at the same time, we must also remember that this is an eye-opener to understand ourselves.
After such rejection, we pause, take time to observe, analyze and find out the reason.
We rediscover ourselves, our goals and desires and the best method to attain them.
Further, we get the courage and determination to continue our efforts and not to quit until we succeed.
Then, we use the chance to update our abilities and pursue our interests. This will, on the whole, make you a better person.

6.) Practice Self-awareness:

After you are Rejected for a job, take time to think about how you presented yourself in the interview. Look back at your performance, your attitude, your body language in the interview session.
Sometimes, though we know the answers, we may not be able to coherently present them. This may be due to nervousness or anxiety or tension.
To overcome this problem, rehearse yourself with oft-repeated questions in the interview. Practice yourself by answering these types of questions.
Visualize yourself answering in the interview with a good disposition and a cheerful smile.
Added to this, being confident and smart in the interview will boost your score in the recruiter’s mark sheet.

Rejected for a Job: What to do After Getting Rejected?

Here are some  and ideas on what one can do after Rejected for a Job!

Yes! It has happened! Though nobody likes them, rejections do happen. Sure, this is a bitter pill to swallow!

It is a very frustrating, disappointing, emotionally taxing period and very difficult to handle, especially if it had been your dream job.

It is right to go through all the feelings, you are justified! You can take your time to cool off!!

Rejected for a Job

⇒ Online data entry jobs available — Zero Investment, ⇒ Earn Rs 300 to Rs 500 per task, ⇒
⇒ Form Filling Copy Pasting Work — Free registration, ⇒ Earn upto Rs 20000 per month, ⇒
After the cooling period is over the next best thing is to introspect yourself. And yes, you have to find out the reason for the rejection.

There are many reasons for a person to be Rejected for a Job.

Some persons get selected instead of others based on their qualifications, experience, and their specific skill sets.

Can I Ask Why I was Rejected For a Job?
This is a dilemma that all of us face when Rejection happens. We were so confident that we were the best candidate when we sent the application.

Rejection for a job happens due to many reasons. To understand why they rejected a person for a job, we can do some rewinding process.

Go back to the interview day. Think over and double-check if you had the necessary qualifications and the required experience for the given role.

Ask yourself how you did in the interview. If it is a ‘Yes’, then you can send a polite mail or make a phone call to find out the reason behind your rejection.

Not all the companies may respond, but some will surely do. Getting this answer will help you to understand the required skills and realistic expectations of the company.

This will help you to find out what went wrong. Besides, you will come to know whether to improve your skill sets, to learn some new technology or whatever is your shortcomings and you can correct them.

Few Common Reasons for being Rejected:
Let us see the scenario what happens after a Rejection.

There may be many reasons behind why you were Rejected for a job – some which may be due to our faults and shortcomings and some which may not be due to us.

Reasons for Job Rejection

The following are some of the few, which we will discuss:

1.) Someone else is better than me:
This is very difficult to accept, but it does happen sometimes. We may be 100 % sure that we are bound to get the offer, but alas we get rejected.

If the number of vacancies is very limited and the number of applicants is exceedingly high (as it usually is!), then surely the best ones alone will get the job.

In such cases, we have to understand the reality and accept the situation.

So the best thing to do will be to take it as one more addition to your interviewing experience and polish it further.

2.) Poor Resume:
You may not believe it, but sometimes a poor resume may be the reason for rejection.

There are hundreds of job applications and people do not have the energy or patience to look into or scrutinize all the applications.

Invariably, a better-formatted resume highlighting the requirements of the job will be surely be given the attention.

Hence, if you have the habit of sending the same, general resume to all the companies, you may please change it.

Try to prepare a specific resume for each category of the companies that you may be trying.

In that, highlight your plus points which are essential for that company and surely, your application will catch the recruiter’s eye.

In case you are unable to prepare your resume, then you can take professional help like resume writing services.

There are plenty of tips available in online resources on how to build a resume. Some companies do it for a charge on a professional basis.

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3.) When it isn’t something beyond your control:
At times, you keep wondering what went wrong. You may never know. There are some reasons which are beyond our control and comprehension.

It may be like you have applied after a delayed period. Because of this, some early birds may have got the opportunity.

Sometimes, existing officials in the company get a promotion to a particular post without giving others a chance.

Or even they may have received a strong recommendation for a particular candidate from their board of Directors.

Some other times, It may also be very simple. Just that the HR person did not feel that you are the ‘right’ person for the job without any obvious reason.

4.) It could be something else, too!
You were so sure you had all the necessary qualifications. You even felt that you were the perfect candidate and you did the interview in an excellent manner. But, very shockingly, they reject you!.

This may be due to the background check some companies do on their potential employees.

They try to find out the person’s real interests and general discipline by checking the candidate’s social media accounts.

If they did not like some of your hard opinions or preferences, they may feel you will not be able to function smoothly in their organization.

So they may reject you in such places.

Things to do After Getting Rejected:
Now, this is the time to do an honest self-reflection and get some answers to questions nagging in our mind.

Things to do After Getting Rejected

1.) Do I need that job?
You can slow down and rethink why you applied for the job in the first place.  Try to find out whether it was for the brand name of the company or it was because of your friend’s suggestion that it will be ‘cool’ to get a job there.

Please ascertain if you wanted that job and what you expected out of that job offer.  This analysis will help you to determine whether you can try for similar jobs.

If you conclude this job was not meant for you, please change your course altogether and try for a different job opening, which may very well suit your interests.

2.) What could be the reason for my rejection?
Take enough time to find out the reason for your rejection. It is okay to talk to the employees or friends in that organization and to know the reason for your rejection.

If it is something beyond our control, we can do nothing to change it. But, if it is due to a lack of some skills in your profile, then you can update yourself.

Try to do some research and analyze the patterns of employable skills. Devote your efforts and time and you can see the results in a short time. It will surprise you!

3.)  Am I prepared?
Did you prepare yourself for the job? Most of the time, during job hunting, we tire out easily.

We fall into the ‘automation mode’ of blindly selecting our resume, forwarding it to the company and forget it.

Actually, it is not the best method. We have to devote time to learn about the company we are applying for.

It will be an extra advantage to read their website, to know about their services and products and to have a fair idea of their business.

Then you can tailor-make your resume to fit in that company for the role you are applying.

4.) Am I Qualified?
Try reading your resume from a third person’s point of view. Check out if you are ‘really’ qualified for the job.

Visualize and try to guess some other skills which may not find mention in the requisites.

Even otherwise, they may be an added asset to that job profile.

Improve your social skills, interpersonal relationships and keep updating your resume often.

Know the market trends and expectations of the employers and you are sure to succeed.

5.) What one thing I can do better?
Do a SWOT analysis of yourself. All of us will have unique strengths and weaknesses.

There may be areas that you may need to improve. Please try to bring them to the level of adequacy for your job requirements.

Practice your interviewing skills. You may have answered a question in a better fashion.

Try to find out good answers for common questions asked in interviews.

Always be open to learn new ideas. Talk to people who are currently in your area of job.

How to Improve Your Sales Performance – A Case Study

Learn to improve your skills and knowledge to increase your sales performance.

The sales profession moves faster than ever today, No matter which industry you’re in.

Launching a new product for sale is exciting sometimes but in the blink of an eye, new competitors emerge, products comparable to yours are delivered.

Before you know it, your business vanishes from the globe, this is a race to the bottom.

Knowing how to sell a product or service is crucial for the success of your company.

It’s extremely important when qualifying, make sure you “peel the onion” what worked well a few years ago isn’t good enough today.

Come up with new strategies for rooting your product in the industry.

Let’s say, that the product has been generated and you’ve secured your target market. But how do you get the word out?

There is no time for trial and error, communicate the benefits of the product rather than the features it possesses.

Offer your customers to make money filling out surveys so they give you honest feedback.

Improve Your Sales Performance

Tool Tips Improve Your Sales Performance:
1.) Online Resources: Perks of social media
Advertisement is an essential element for the economic growth of the businesses.

It increases visibility within your industry by helping you to attract customers.

Furthermore, use online store builders. From just $10 you can sell your products online through a store you control.

Design and promote your website. Email campaigns or good content so you move up the search engine rankings.

Attracting people to your site is just the first hurdle. The site needs to be more appealing to encourage customers to stay and look closer.

Make your battle easier to win, below are ways to make your first sale profitable:

Send free samples to influencers
Email marketing
Land your business in the press
Go live with Periscope
Search engine optimization
Affiliate programs

2.) Competitive Analysis: what makes you better?
“Plenty of companies out there offer the same thing but we…” Complete this vision by illustrating some drawbacks of buying from a competitor, something that your customer would consider accommodation.

Don’t specifically target your competitor talk as general as this is not a representative way of opposition.

Give a descriptive backbone to customers’ points of view and design your product which truly fascinates them.

Label these interests gracefully while sustaining your company’s integrity:

Be general vs. specific
Lay landmines to promote yourself
Offer proof through testimony
Cross-Sell Related Products
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

3.) Retail Merchandising Units: Fruitful representation
A Retail Merchandising Unit raises publicizing of product display that often can change a customer’s minds.

Merchandising will increase the perceived value of the products and will lead to more sales.

The great thing about RMU is that it can serve as a satellite location of a typical product. RMU and kiosks are a much cheaper option.

Whether the store is located inside a plaza or on the highway, a fruitful representation of window display draws attention to the store and brings prospective customers inside.

Here are some points which you can adopt for visual merchandising of your products most attractively.

The Planogram
Triggers Buying Behavior
Increases Store Traffic
Provide your salespersons with display-related training
Keep an eye on weekly product sales and catalog
Display the latest products near the customer approach

4.) Realistic Goals & Flexible Objectives:
A set of realistic objectives of sales management and promotion to attract prospective customers to buy the product at the point of purchase.

Setting clear sales objectives is one of the many gadgets used in a retailer’s promotional mix.

Objectives include tactics, discounts, freebies, loss leaders, merchandising, installments, and rebates.

The main objective of sales is to bring about a change in the demand pattern of products and services.

It should have the following specific objectives:

Inventory Clearance
Reaching New Market
Increased Brand Awareness
Induce existing customers to buy more

5.) Ask, listen, and act: What, When & Why:
Ask your target what they desire, when and how they want it.

Get customer attention by customer feedback mechanism or formalized Voice-of-the-Customer (VoC) programs.

Target on both qualitative and quantitative data which provide insight into customer interest.

Recognizing the entanglement behavior of customers by the combination of the question-answer method.

It’ll ensure you the right details and specify your doings accordingly to the right combination of research methodologies, across all aspects of the customer awareness.

This includes:

VOC research: The ability to act
Filling out surveys
Customer feedback mechanism

If I Do Not Have My Product?

ther marketplaces are available online such as Commission Junction, eBay, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc. which all works better but you have to try on your own.

No problem, if you don’t have your product to sell online. There are products available where you can just promote through any possible ways.

Whenever a sale was made you will get the affiliate commission, this process is called Affiliate Marketing quite you know better.

Read related post: Learn the possible ways to make money from Affiliate marketing business.

Lets for an example, if you made a sale of a product worth $50 via Amazon and the actual product owner offers 50% affiliate commission means you will $25 for each sale.

If you are making at least 10 sales a month means you will get $250.Possible ways to sell products are through the blog, social media, etc.

3.) Become a Freelance Writer:
There is an online work for every housewife in India. If you are struggling or facing any difficulties in starting a blog or selling products online, you can become a freelance writer.

Many journals and magazines and many blog owners are looking for creative content writers for their platform.

This method could be very simple but a little time consuming because writing SEO optimized articles is an art. Yes, usually you cannot write whatever you know?

First, you have to make keyword research or select your topic (It must be trending) and then search for some reference over the internet.

Then write articles at least 1500 words long with a clear picture of what are you going to explain?

Normally a freelance writer can earn up to Rs.1000 per article depending on many factors such as Length of the article, the chosen topic, the number of pictures for reference, etc.

If your article consists of real-time statistical information, then you can even charge more for the same article.

Even you can become a freelance writer for OnlineHomeIncome as we need innovative contents for our site visitors.

Freelance dot com is the website where you can find the right freelance writing jobs online for free.

4.) Start a YouTube Channel:
Many housewives and home moms were literate who are having enough time to spend to earn additional revenue.

Those women can use YouTube platform as their source of income without any investment.

All you have to do is to register a FREE Account with YouTube using the Gmail ID and create a unique channel.

Now, you have to create videos as we have a handful of options like Cooking, Education, Training, and Tutorial, etc.

Publish the video in your channel and follow digital marketing strategies to drive visitors to see videos from your channel.

When your YouTube channel video has nearly 10000+ views and 1000 subscribers, you can then apply for Google Adsense.

Google Adsense partner program lets YouTubers to make money by monetizing their videos for displaying advertisements.


Gmail Account
Adobe Photoshop
Any Video Editor software
Publish Videos About:

Cooking Videos
Beauty Tips
Health Tips
Family Maintenance
YouTube is one of the largest video blogging platforms and there are nearly 100s and 1000s od videos are publishing every day.

Lakhs and Millions of people are ready to watch videos on YouTube and so I recommend this as the best online jobs for housewives.

You can create videos during your free time and after some professional editing, you can publish on your channel.

5.) Data Entry Jobs:
Data Entry Jobs is one of the easiest jobs suitable for housewives and stay at home moms.

There is no special skills or knowledge is required to work as a data entry operator from home.

You can earn from your home if you have a computer, an internet connection and a time of 2 – 3 hours per day.

 SCAM ALERT: There are lots of scammers all through the internet targetting innocent housewives by providing fake jobs.

Be aware of how to identify genuine online jobs and stay away from these types of common scams.

You can earn around Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 per day by spending 2 – 3 hours from your home.

RECOMMENDATION: I hope you may aware of my other article about “data entry jobs without investment”.

In that article, I have mentioned a few sites where you can find genuine jobs to work.

Hence I recommend you to register with those sites only for now and build your profile to get genuine jobs to work.

Join the sites listed below:

You cannot just like that register and take some jobs, then do and make money.

You should create a profile, verify your profile by submitting necessary proofs.

Now you can find the list of available jobs and bid for the project you think that is suitable for you.

Once the employer feels happy with your quote, you will get the job to work from home.

Other Online Jobs for Work at Home Moms:
6.) Paid Online Surveys:
This is the best online jobs for housewives to make money online without investment. Because you will get paid for posting your reviews and opinions.

Let’s see how it works? Many marketing companies need people to review their product or services recently they launched or sometimes for existing products.

They will use this review to improve their product or service quality. But, how do they get these reviews?

It is possible through online surveys, and there are some companies whose primary business is to conduct surveys on behalf of these marketing companies.

You need to register a free account with these survey companies and complete your profile surveys.

When a new survey opportunity available they will check our profile for eligibility and after passing they will send an invitation to participate.

On successful completion, you will be rewarded with either cash or gift vouchers.

On average, you will get up to $50 per survey and it depends on survey length and the company offering survey.

Do’s and Dont’s in online surveys:

Do thorough research before joining any survey panel, because there are a lot of scammers.
Joining a survey panel does not require investment.
Never join survey sites that offer pay more than $100 or $150 per survey.

Read Related Post: List of genuine survey sites to join for free to make money from the internet.

7.) Ad Clicking Jobs:
This is the easiest way to earn online income without investment. Because you will be paid just for viewing advertisements in your computer browser.

Just work for 30 minutes a day will earn a decent income. You will be getting paid from $0.001 to $0.1 from these sites for every ad you click.

This job requires an additional work that is you need to get some referrals in your downline to earn more because referrals are the secret of success in PTC business.

This online business also works more similar to online surveys. Yes, there you will post your opinion but here you will be directly visiting the site. For every unique visit, you will get paid.

It does not matter whether you try the product or service, but you will be paid guaranteed.

It does not require any special skills, and the only requirements are a personal computer with an internet connection and a Gmail account to start working.

All your payments will be made via payment processor’s such as PayPal or Payza once you reached the minimum amount in your account.

Read related post: What are PTC sites and how can you make money from this free online method?

7 Best Online Jobs for Housewives & Work at Home Moms

Learn the best Home Based Online Jobs for Housewives without Investment

Every Indian housewife and stay at home moms are searching the internet every day to find any suitable online money making opportunity and make a living of their own.

You can work at your home in your spare time without spending dedicated time for online jobs and at the same time, you can take care of your family members.

In this article, we are going to discuss the best online jobs for housewives and home moms to make money at the comfort of their home.

These methods have a proven track record that already many women are making their living from earnings through these online work jobs at home.

online jobs for housewives

⇒ Online data entry jobs available — Zero Investment, ⇒ Earn Rs 300 to Rs 500 per task, ⇒
⇒ Form Filling Copy Pasting Work — Free registration, ⇒ Earn upto Rs 20000 per month, ⇒

Why Housewives Search for Online Jobs?
When you compare India most women after their marriage will stop going for 9 – 5regular day job because of their family responsibilities.

Moreover, after childbirth, of course, they should have to leave their job to take care of her siblings, and in this situation, there is no financial support for them unless provided by her husband.

Thanks to the social development as this mandates education for every female child because for the development of their self-motivation to stand on their leg.

The Internet has developed on a wide scale that lays much money making ways in them suitable for any people from any class either students or job goers or part-time job seekers or housewives etc.

As a housewife, you can start work at your home right today without any investment from your computer and internet connection.

Requirements to Start this Online Work:
• A personal computer or laptop with an internet connection is needy.
• Gmail account to register with following methods.
• Bank account to receive payments.
• PayPal account. (Read Instructions here to register PayPal)

Advantages of Work at Home Jobs:
There are some salient features that these online jobs hold and those are,

• You can work from the comfort of your home.
• No startup capital required.
• No previous experience necessary.
• Minimal educational qualification is enough.
• Earn money as much as possible.
• Nothing to lose can start to work anytime and can stop at any time.

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7 Best Online Jobs for Housewives and Stay at Home Moms:
In this article let’s read about FIVE ways to earn extra income for home moms without affecting your regular homework?

Every woman has some creativity in them which most haven’t yet discovered. Blogging gives them a chance to show their creativity which in turn generates a lucrative second income from their home.

You can start blogging, which is the first recommended online jobs for housewives as it is the easiest way to start right now. WHY?

All housewives and moms are fond of cooking and they are passionate about this work.

A saying, it’s always been better to start working on what you know? Screw up the best and success is on the way.

If you know cooking and then start a cookery blog, update every single recipe you cook with step by step information’s and publish on your blog.

work from home moms blogging
Some housewives may be an expert in some artwork or handy craftwork where they can sell their products through various platforms which we will see later in this article.

1.1.) What is blogging?

Blogging is also called as a digital book where you can write anything, express your ideas and innovations, etc. It is very easy to start a blog today with CMS such as Word Press and Google Blogger.

If you wish you could even monetize your blog to make money for you or else you can keep it as your diary.

Coming to the point, every day when you prepare a new dish, write down the step by step methods the way you prepared. If possible, take some pictures from your smartphone to add some more value.

Next, open your computer and type those notes on your blog page and just hit publish which will spread to the entire world.

Do some promotions, share with your friends, social platforms and let them know you have a blog?

1.2.) How to start a blog?

Very first, I would want to say that free blogs are available from Word Press and Google Blogger (Blogspot), where you can start today without any investment.

But, if you are looking for a very long-term income then it is better to start with a paid blog, I mean to purchase your domain and hosting.

Why I recommend going with Paid Blog is because your resources are limited and you cannot utilize your blog completely.

Whenever there is increased use of resources in your blog, free services providers may temporarily or even permanently block your blog.

But, there is no such risk in paid blogging (ie. when you go with registering own domain and hosting).

Here is the step to set up your blog to work at home.

1. Register a perfect domain name matching your passion.
2. Purchase hosting plan for your domain.
3. Install Word Press using the one-click software.
4. Now, start writing your cookbook articles and publish.

Once after that, share your work with your family neighbors, friends, and your past co-workers. Let them appreciate it by sharing your blog in their networks.

Promote until it goes viral and once your blog starts receiving traffic you can now monetize your blog with anyone of the methods as described in this article.

1.3.) How to make money from the blog?

Google Ad Sense is the world’s best program to monetize your blog but there are many other alternatives available.

After getting traffic, just apply for free Ad Sense account and copy the advertising HTML code and paste in your blog.

Once your application approved, Google will start serving ads on your blog on your behalf and will pay you monthly once based on the conversions.

Read related post: How to make money from your blog through Google Ad Sense monetization?

The cooking you know will make you money if you direct it in the right way. Only thing is you have to update your blog daily with new menus and dishes.

Share regularly your blog on social networks and your network to get traffic.

2.) Sell Products Online:
Most young housewives have learned artwork and preparing handicraft items during their college days to pass their free time.

Some will continue to make even after their marriage, and you know you can even make it as an online business which will earn you regularly.

There are some websites out there where you can sell your products online to make money.

Get paid for sharing opinionsOnline form filling jobsOnline survey jobsOnline Jobs from home

2.1.) Which Products Can You Sell Online?
2.1.1.) Physical Products:

Physical products are categorized as products like handmade home decorative, artwork, paintings, handmade wooden jewelry, etc. These might be your products.

You can even sell other’s products such as the computer, laptops, and other electronic items, perfumes, watches, toys, baby products, etc.

There are lots of products to sell but the thing is you have to try on your own that bring you results.

It’s not necessary to sell your products or you can get these products from any whole sellers at the discounted price and sell directly from your hand to customer end which will make you a good income.

Sell your products online

2.1.2.) Digital Products:

These products are categorized as stuff like Ebooks, software’s or any educational CDs or DVDs that either educate or provide training on any subject matters.

Earlier in this article, I mentioned that you start a blog on Cooking. If you have deep knowledge you can even prepare a video on cooking a particular dish and write in a CD or DVD and sell it online.

Other self-made digital products such as Diet management video, teaching (Short Lecture) on any subject you know well, kids story writing, etc. will earn you enough income as it has high demands.

There is no risk of shipment process involved in selling digital products as you provide them the download link via your blog after they made their payment.

Some other ways to earn an online income: Home-based self-improvement, personality development or any professional courses you can make it online through your blog.

2.2) Different Places to Sell Online:

You now have ideas about products that may be physical or digital that you want to sell to your customers. You can either have your products or sell other’s products.

After this, you need a place to market your products where the customer can come and buy. Blog and social media, Amazon, Commission Junction are the best platforms for online marketing.

Blog and Social Media: is the best way to sell your products online. Because already you have your blog that receives a good amount of traffic every day.

By placing a proper banner or text ad at the right place will convert those visitors into your customers.

Even you can promote the product on Facebook Groups, and other social media and put your contact number or Email ID for sale inquiries.

Amazon Associate: is a great marketplace for all means of bloggers and other affiliate marketers.

You need to register a free account with Amazon Associates and choose the right category to post your products for online sales.

Whenever a sale was made you will get your commission as well. It’s all about trust that way you treat your customers will bring you rep

How to Recover from Job Rejection?

.) Avoid Negativity: A job rejection will plunge us in self-doubt. It will question our self-esteem and sure, we may end up feeling bad ...